!additem Adds item to item ban list. Usage: !additem [itemID]
!removeitem Removes item from item ban list. Usage: !removeitem [itemID]
!addmessage Adds Message to server message list. Usage: !addmessage [messageID]
!removemessage Removes message from server message list. Usage: !removemessage [messageID]
!lookupitem Lookup item ids. Usage: !lookupitem [text 1=”lookup” language=”to”][/text]
!addrule Adds a rule to this server. Usage: !addrule [rule text]
!removerule Removes rule from server. Usage: !removerule [ruleID]
!website Shows Website URL Information. Usage: !website
!chat Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !chat
!ts Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !ts
!vent Shows Chat Server Information. Usage: !vent
!guid Adds player to server ban list. Usage: !guid [playerid] [server]
!ban Adds player to server ban list. Usage: !ban [guid] [server] [reason]
!unban Remove ban from server. Usage: !unban [guid] [server]
!kick Kicks player from server. Usage: !kick [playerID] [server] [reason]
!warn Warns player. Usage: !warn [playerID] [server] [reason]
!groupcheck Lists what group a user is. Usage: !groupcheck [playerID]
!rules Shows the server the current rule set. Usage: !rules [rule number]
!self List information about self. Usage: !self
!setgroup Updates a player to a certain group. Usage: !setgroup [playerID] [groupid]
!map Sets next map. Usage: !map [map_name]
!nextmap Shows next map. Usage: !nextmap
!uptime Shows how long RCON tool has been running. Usage: !uptime
!say Send message as the console. Usage: !say [message]
!rank Shows current rank on server. Usage: !rank
!stats Gets players current stats. Usage: !stats
!topkills Shows top players on server. Usage: !topkills
!topkdr Shows top kill/death ratios on server. Usage: !topkdr
!krdrank Shows players Kill/Death Ratio. Usage: !kdrrank
!players Returns current player list. Usage: !players [serverID]
!servers Returns current server list. Usage: !servers
!groups Shows available groups to assign to. Usage: !groups
!currentadmin Returns name of admin currently on server (if available). Usage: !currentadmin
!cmdlist Returns current command list. Usage: !cmdlist
!adminhelp Pages an admin if on any server – emails if not. Usage: !adminhelp [reason]
!pm Sends a personal message to a player. Usage: !pm [playerID] [server] [message]
!help Give syntax of command. Usage: !help [command]
!bansearch Give syntax of command. Usage: !bansearch [search term] [server]
!globalban Bans a user from all servers. Usage: !globalban [playerid] [server] [reason]
!gsban Bans user in console (can not undo through paronicon). Usage: !gsban [playerID] [server] [reason]
!playcount Returns number of times you visited the server. Usage: !playcount
!playtime Returns amount of time you’ve spent in the server. Usage: !playtime
!promote Promotes user group of user. Usage: !promote [player name]
!demote Demotes user group of user. Usage: !demote [player name]
!reply Used to answer questions from Paronicon. Usage: !reply yes or !reply no
!restart Does a fast restart on an unranked server. Usage: !restart
!rotate Does a map rotate on an unranked server. Usage: !rotate
!update Checks for update and updates if one is available. Usage: !update
!tempban Sends a tempban to remove the user from the server. Usage: !tempban [player name]
!boobs Makes the console reply with boobs. Usage: !boobs