Paronicon is the most advanced downloadable rcon tool for managing and maintaining your game servers. It’s packed with features, beautiful, easy to use, constantly supported, has a great community & it’s free. Download it and start running the best servers out there.

What’s the story behind Paronicon?

Paronicon started with one person wanting to write an application that would allow the fellow clan members to use the RCON in ways not provided by other tools. It was never intended to be a public application, but once the framework was complete, people really like it and recommended we make it public. We strive to make it the best tool that we can and hope that it will live up to your expectation and exceed them where possible!

What games does Paronicon support?

Paronicon was intially built to support Black Ops but recently we’ve opened it up to other titles. Paronicon 2 supports Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: World at War. We have also built a very advanced framework so we can add more games down the road. Read more about Paronicon features here →

Where can I get my own Call of Duty server?

You can rent your own Call of Duty: Black Ops servers from This is the only company that is able to rent Black Ops servers. You can get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: World at War servers at

Paronicon is missing a feature. Where can I suggest it?

Paronicon is built around feature requests! If there is something you think it should do, please post a feature request in the GSN Gaming/Paronicon forums. Visit the feature request forums →

Paronicon has a bug. Where can I report it?

Paronicon only gets better when bugs are reported. If you find a bug that needs to be fixed, please post a bug report in the GSN Gaming/Paronicon forums. Visit the bug reporting forums →

Where can I follow Paronicon development progress?

We always like to keep our users updated on whats going on with the development of Paronicon. You can do so by follow us on Twitter and reading the changelogs we provide with each new version of Paronicon.

Does Paronicon work with COD: Black Ops 2?

Paronicon does NOT work with Black Ops 2! We had every intention of doing this, but Treyarch decided to not let clans/communities rent their own dedicated servers. Instead they are using a lobby system using their own deidcated servers.

Does Paronicon work with COD: Modern Warfare 3?

Paronicon does NOT work with Modern Warfare 3! We had every intention of doing this, but SledgeHammer/Infinity Ward games made it so dedicated servers do not output game log files. Logs of the life blood of rcon tools and cannot operate without them.



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